
Landscape Lighting Installation Cost

Landscape Lighting Installation CostYou want to spruce up your outdoor area, but you need to know the landscape lighting installation cost first. The national average cost of installation is between $2,000 and $4,500. If you keep the project simple, you can expect to sit on the low end of the estimate, while a high-end system generally costs more. There are also some tips you can follow to keep your costs down. Let’s look at how you can reduce your installation cost.

Start Small and Expand the System

You don’t have to get the system of your dreams right at first. Instead, you can start small and add fixtures down the road. If you do this, go with a low voltage lighting system. Such a system is easy to expand, so you can add more later. Instead of paying all at once, you can pay as you add to the system.

Have the Same Company Handle Everything

You can reduce the landscape lighting installation cost by having the same company handle the entire project. Some landscape lighting companies in Westchester, NY, take care of design, installation, and maintenance.  You can often save quite a bit when you choose such a company. Plus, it’s nice to have a single point of contact for the entire project. That way, everything goes smoothly.

Choose a Company That Offers Free Estimates

Some companies charge for estimates, adding to the landscape lighting installation cost. You can lower your cost by selecting a company that offers free estimates. Ensure the company spends time providing a complete and accurate estimate, so you know how much the system will cost.

Schedule a Free Estimate to Find Out the Landscape Lighting Installation Cost

PRO Landscape Lighting can help you stay within your budget while getting a lighting system. We offer design, installation, and maintenance services, and you can start small and expand with us. We also offer free and accurate estimates. Call (914) 494-7629 to schedule a free estimate.

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